First Aid Training For Industry
+ Would your staff know what to do if someone had an accident at work, injured themselves or collapsed?
+ Could they cope with a life or death emergency?
All organisations need people who are well trained in basic first aid skills - people who are competent to deal with a wide range of situations from minor cuts or sprains, to major resuscitation techniques. In addition it is a statutory requirement within the terms of the Health and Safety At Work Act, for all employers to make provision for: Equipment, Facilities and Suitable Persons for Rendering First Aid.
Our instructors have experience in the training of hundreds of personnel each year including catering service professionals.
Our instructors can provide training on your own premises.
Our range of courses include:
+2 Day Health and Safety requalificationin First Aid at Work. Staff need to requalify every 3 years and we will remind you when this is due.
+ 3 Day Health and Safety First Aid at Work Course
+ 1 Day Emergency First Aid at Work course
+ First Person on Scene (F.P.O.S.) - basic
+ First Person on Scene (F.P.O.S. - enhanced
+ 1 Day "Appointed Person"
+ Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR courses)
+ Manual Handling
Specialised Courses
+ Automatic External Defibrillation (A.E.D)
+ Oxygen therapy
+ Anaphylaxis and EpiPen Training
+ Special casualty access
+ Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (P.H.TLS.)
+ Moving & Handling the Patient